VerdeSur Youth Projects

The experiences of Young People involved in the Youth Projects


Learning to Look


In this activity, the main objective was to teach the participants how to look and see the environment in a more accurate way. As the professor mentioned, the two sides of the brain function differently. The left side of the brain is more verbal, analytical and orderly and functions mor efor linguistic abilities. On the other hand, the right side of the brain is more visual and intuitive; it has a more creative and less organized way of functioning.

In order to learn to look, what is necessary to be done is to strengthen the right side of the brain. In this sense, the participants drew 3 pictures: one of themselves through a mirror, one of a person that they know from memory and one of their hand, respectively. During the activity, silence was maintained to help the participants concentrate better.

As the participants mentioned, they drew more accurate when they looked at the mirror in comparison the the pictures where they drew it from their memories. Whereas the pictures drawn from the mirror were reflecting the reality more, the pictures drawn from the memory were reflecting the parts of the face in a more symbolic manner: an eye was drawn like an almond and a nose was drawn like a carrot.

Participants gave titles to the pictures that they drew. This meant that the pictures became more valued and more personalized, as the participants shared. Some of the participants shared that this activity helped them to focus themselves better on a single thing which they mostly have a difficult time to achieve in their lives. Consequently, through this activity, a consciousness regarding our perspectives to the environment has been raised.

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