VerdeSur Youth Projects

The experiences of Young People involved in the Youth Projects




Hoy hemos dibujado con linea continua, esquivando la mirada de la parte “izquierda del cerebro”. Confunde un poco, pero se abre paso la verdadera visión. Hemos descubierto el blanco del papel de la tinta azul que pusimos en la clase anterior. Hemos fabricado unos pinceles con esponja para ello…

Martin says…

Drawing while observing

In this activity participants first made a drawing of their choice on a paper which was firstly painted blue with ecoline ink. They did this by dipping a small stick into a liquid and then using this to turn the paper white again. To make this easier, a sponge was also used so bigger areas could be whitened more efficiently.

After this activity, the participants went on to make a portrait of each other’s faces. However, the exercise here was meant to strengthen the observing-skills of the participants and to get a better feeling for proportions. Therefore, they were not allowed to look at the paper and had to complete the portrait without taking off their pencils. This proved rather challenging, as the drawings did not always end up closely resembling a real face. However, this was not a problem as it was not the goal of the exercise. Given that drawing without looking at your paper means that you can concentrate more on looking and you will only see the result after you are done, this means that you get to see how you thought of the proportions while drawing and how those compare to reality.

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